Sunday, November 13, 2011


So Dante and I spoke over the phone, and we thought that it might be worthwhile to make it all the way to La Push over Thanksgiving weekend. As much fun as I thought that would be, I looked at the forecast, and the weather gods said that it should pour for the next week and a half. Also, it takes 3.5 hours to get there, and Matt could not come if we planned for the 25th.

That got me thinking, perhaps we should just go to Fay Bainbridge? We could have a lovely little barbecue (under the kitchen shelters if need be), and then camp out that night. It would cost $21.00 for every 8 people. They also charge an extra $10.00 for each extra vehicle (is there a way around this?)...

I thought we could plan for the night of the 21st, and then my birthday would fall on the 22nd! Woooh! This would start a week from tomorrow, or this coming Monday. That way Matt can come!


1 comment:

Nathan said...

this sounds like a fantastic idea, unfortunately I will not be able to get down to the island until the afternoon of the 23rd. If it works for everyone else we should do it then.

As for the car fee, I propose a bike convoy!