--with all of that said--
///Chris mentioned last night that we may as well ask mark about the project and see if he'll give out any more info--especially what the contest will entail.
///i was thinking that since we have so many great community members around us that we should come up with a set of outline-ish questions, a survey, an interview kind of thing--that could be used at dinners, lunches, or breakfasts. especially in regards to chris and i and our free time--i would love to use this project as an excuss to have dinner with friends and talk. the intention being that we could record either written or tape the conversations and ideas. so for this we need to come up with a set of questions/directions that could be used to explore "the fouryearsgo" concept ----which leads me to-->
///FourYearsGo is a fairly large webiste and we need to go through it and check out all of the alliances, philospohy, videos, all of the stuff on their website to understand what their intention is so that we can allign our project to the same
-so we need to go through the website( if everyone could make a small post about something cool they found on the site )
-so we need to come up with some questions and directions (if everyone could post a little about that too)
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