Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
A Sad Truth
Athletic disposition is predetermined. There I said it. I have learned several facts in my kin class that I think you might be interested to know.
Reflex speed/fluency(cognitive not motor reflex "how fast you think"): In healthy individuals the only thing that determines the speed of these traits is axon diameter which is genetically predetermined and cannot be trained. In case you were wondering bigger is better in this case.
proportion of muscle fiber types: Muscle type cannot be converted from fast twitch to slow twitch and the average human has around 50% of each. In a muscle bi-opsy of Hussain Bolt's Vastus Mediallus it was determined that there was 82% fast twitch muscle fiber. Similarly Lance Armstrong would have unusually high proportion of slow twitch muscle fibers. And of course, you guessed it, proportion of muscle fiber type is genetically determined.
Muscle size: you may believe that muscle size is very training dependent, and you would be right, sort of. In a study of untrained mature males on max bicep curl weight there ended up being a very large distribution. The lowest weights were in the 20s and the highs were somewhere in the 80s range. So, assuming a 50% increase in strength via training the lowest would be 30 and the highest would be 120. In other words, though muscle size is trainable, your base mass/strength is genetically determined and as seen, that makes the most significant difference.
Aerobic endurance/VO2 Max: also genticly dependant.
sorry the last one was lacking but I am tired and I still have to do physics homework. punch line--> None of us can train to be lebron james :,(
Money = free speech: This lawyer helped corporations spend in election
A conservative Indiana lawyer engineered the string of legal victories that have enabled corporations and wealthy individuals to channel tens of millions of dollars into this year's midterm elections secretly, a study by campaign watchdogs has found.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
WWU this year
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Power house productions
Update on FourYearsGo
--with all of that said--
///Chris mentioned last night that we may as well ask mark about the project and see if he'll give out any more info--especially what the contest will entail.
///i was thinking that since we have so many great community members around us that we should come up with a set of outline-ish questions, a survey, an interview kind of thing--that could be used at dinners, lunches, or breakfasts. especially in regards to chris and i and our free time--i would love to use this project as an excuss to have dinner with friends and talk. the intention being that we could record either written or tape the conversations and ideas. so for this we need to come up with a set of questions/directions that could be used to explore "the fouryearsgo" concept ----which leads me to-->
///FourYearsGo is a fairly large webiste and we need to go through it and check out all of the alliances, philospohy, videos, all of the stuff on their website to understand what their intention is so that we can allign our project to the same
-so we need to go through the website( if everyone could make a small post about something cool they found on the site )
-so we need to come up with some questions and directions (if everyone could post a little about that too)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Leaves of Grass
If you like Edward Norton so much you wanted to see him act with himself. If you like Grass. If you like Walt Whitman --this may be the movie for you...just watched it its decent, a stoner movie not for stoners
Christine O'Donnell re: Separation of Church and State
Sunday, October 17, 2010
127 Hours
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Exclusive - Eric Cantor Extended Interview Pt. 1 | |||| | ||||
he's actually got some good talks after the show with his guests unedited
Did anyone else catch this??--i know its sorta old
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Ore on Terror | |||| | ||||
New York Times
This is kind of connected to Ben's postings on the ted talks--has anyone else seen this still in the news or have we already conspired...
Network (1976)
i've probably posted this before...--sorry for the intro, all the other versions have been blocked from really starts a minute thirty into the clip
if you haven't seen this movi--your missing out!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Reign Of Assasins
Badass action. crazytwistedawsome plot. great cinematography. foreign. need I say more?
Dante you would definitly like this movie! If memory serves you showed me a movie that was very similar to this, i think it had "leaves" or "tea leaves" in the title iand it had a scene where asains where chasing other asaisn on bamboo polls throwing spears, do you know what im talking about?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Backpacking Lifestyle
Hey everybody, it’s nice to read all your comments, see you posts, and chew on the thing's you've all been talkin' about.
This is what’s been on my mind, and it will certainly go under the “outdoor” section:
As most of you know, I have been working on a website since mid-Summer. The original idea I had was to create a gear blog where we could all dump our pictures, stories, and reviews of our gear. With the intent going into it, that if done well enough we could become gear testers for companies such as Patagonia, Mountain Hardwear, GoLite, etc... As I have found out, building a website is very difficult, but not as hard as making one that people will actually want to look at, and read. There have been many things I’ve learned along the way, that go far beyond the graphic element of a web page. How do we build credibility? How do we put ourselves out there, and more-so how do we get well known? Well, that’s why I’m writing this to you all.
It is time that I tap into the great resource I have at my hands, which is all of you. I’m here to light the review-writing fire under your outdoorsy asses. So here’s what I need:
-Thorough reviews on different pieces of quality gear that you have. We will be more successful in the long run if we target certain companies. Since between us we have four Nemo tents, that would be a fantastic place to start, but to our advantage, between us we have a wide range of gear from almost all the big companies.
There will be categories on the website, i.e. Backpacks, jackets, base layers, stoves, sleeping bags, tents, etc - So we need reviews for all of them. I have gotten a good start on reviews, and have almost 15 written, but we need many more to even be noticed, because we got competition. Hopefully one day a forum can be opened up where other viewers can write their own reviews. I’m writing this on my laptop, but when I get home I’ll post an example of a review that I’ve written. You are all good writers, and I have no doubt that you can write a compelling few sentences on why you like the product, where you’ve used it, and how it saved you from getting water-logged on the John Muir. Everyone who writes a review will get credit for it, which addresses the biography section.
-Also, if one or two people are super enthused with this idea and want to pick up more responsibility, I have an account for you.
-I want stories as well, bring in the practical aspect of spending time on an extended backpacking trip, along with the spiritual and mystical components of being in the woods. Write about the personal importance of spending time in the woods. Talk about the philosophy of backcountry nutrition, leave no trace, or ultralight. Find environmental initiatives - write a quick blurb about why we should care, and that can go up too. Those are just a few things.
-There is much more that I have to say, and other aspects I have not revealed here, but you get the idea. I implore you to share your ideas about how we could make it all the more awesome as well, for we have many possibilities.
So guys, if you are interested, write some reviews with your free time, or just get the brain-storming going here. Since gear (and in the bigger picture the wilderness) is a way of life for us, it should come without to much strain.
Thank you,
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Brain Waves
Impacts and Influences 4YG
also if so one wants to click around on the website itself and explore some of the awesome videos and repost them on the blog that would be great too!!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
my finger is now certified to function as a maxi pad

was originally planning on having my finger drained by our family's doctor in seattle but last night it became too much-- i went to harrison around eleven--the emergency room was filled-- when i finally got in he injected a local anesthetic and just ginsued the shit out of it--then drained an insane amount of puss-- its on the healing track now though!...
Monday, October 4, 2010
So i'm trying to push this forward a bit more. for those who haven't heard: this group is going to be hosting a video contest--inviting people to define what can happen in four years--they hired a professional design team to produce the above commercial(they've done nike ads and so on) to give the challengers something to bounce off of. i had a great conversation with chris and corbin this weekend and feel that this competition could push us in that direction!
-so to start i would like to begin a dialogue about our future (click here for the site)--what threatens it --what is at stake--and so on and so forth--i'm posting this as i head home from work so i'll facilitate it better when i get some more comp. time BUT i would love for anyone to jump on and move it forward--this may seem labor intesive and redundant--as all of us have been plowing this concept for some time but REALLy this is a great in if we put in some hard work!!
sunday was dark
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
first off,chance and luck are factors that should be embraced in the flow of life but underlying them, i bleieve, are pre conditions that we can actually control, exteriorly/from third party views they are obsereved as luck as chance.
(one of them is intention and i don't have time to elaborate on the others, i am at work)
this summer was an incredibly hectic summer for me, a lot was happening, but somewhere admist all the happening the concept of intention sunk in. i think the theme sits so staunchly with me because of my interest in art, creation, systems, activism, and the general desire to understand what seperates a scribble from a portrait--a kiss from love--a day from living--laughter from happiness.
from scribbles you can create a potrait but a scribble alone will always fall short--so what is that difference:
Michael: let us take your interaction with claire: was your encounter simple chance? from the little i know i would suggest the fact that you had plugged yourself into the rock gym, outdooring, RA'ing, the frat, and your accessible personality it was inevitbale that you would meet claire. the social touches YOU created along with the communities understanding of who you are was positevly reflecting so that encounters with attractive blonde, blue eyed girls would be possible. the question then is, was that your intention? was that what you wanted?
a distinction i've chosen to take in my life is to not live to make money but live a life that produces wealth. to not enter a relationship for the sex but create a healthy relationship that allows sex. such shifts in thought open a path that allows one to focus in a more transcendent sincere engagement-- i think ben touched upon some of this in his post too in relation to some of his recent actions.
MIchael, look back at your relationship with school, the fact that your at whitman with an awesome scholarship was the direct result of your staunch intentions--you wanted to get into a competitive school and you now haave that.
an example of intention is our blog--i want to ensure that we remain friends for a long time, i want to document our journey and unfolding of life, i want to remain connected, and thus i jumped started our blog--we'll see how it unfolds...i have hope.
just like you have learned to succeed with school michael, i'm sure if you put yourself to it you could learn to succeed with women. simply because we struggle should not mean we dissmiss it as chance.
in terms of physical versus personality? --there are a lot of fish in the sea--a good fisherman is patient and doesn't reel in just because something is nibbling, he may tow the line a bit but if its not what he wants he'll let it go.
in terms of the polar dynamics of me and chris--they simply refelct the ebb and flow of life and the limitiations of time. the good things don't last forever but if they were real they will always come back--the crucial part is to turn the lows into our impetus' --i may have ended a relationship with chelsea BUT i benefitted greatly from that experience--what are the things that you learned from your time with claire, its too easy to say fuck it when it all falls--what will you do differently--would you have joined long distance running if it were not for her-- women aren't PHD's and Bachelor certificats--once you've entitled them as your GF they aren't going to stick forever its a tricky engagement of trust and great opportunity to practice the act of giving unconditionally--chelsea was a huge challenge but from it i feel more confident --it gave me focus and challenged my priorities--i honestly think i enjoy life more because of all that i fought through--and on a side note she plans on coming back down next weekend to hang out...
and fuck it the next woman i find will be even more awesome--and the challenge of finding her is exciting...
How do you know you're doing the right thing and making the right choices?
For example:
1) dating/relationships.
Prior to the end of last semester, I had a fling of sorts with this girl named Hannah for about a week. Pretty cute, and we really clicked in terms of personality. Pretty outdoorsy (she spent 11 weeks doing trail maintenance this summer), and still kinda girly. i.e., enjoys getting dolled up and going out to parties and whatever. She also sings and plays the guitar, which I think is really dope. Anyways, part way though, Claire comes along, and I immediately drop Hannah and decide to make something happen with Claire. Claire and I have similar interests, but in the end, Claire and I don't last because we never really clicked, and I realize that I made the decision to be with Claire because she was physically more attractive.
The thing is, Claire just seemed to pop out of no where; i.e., sheer coincidence/luck of meeting a pretty, attractive girl. I was like "wow, this is awesome, how did this even happen to me? This girl is awesome." But in the end it just didn't work out. wtf. I wonder why I decided to go for the girl that I found more attractive (Claire) over the girl that I clicked really well with (Hannah). How does that even happen?
At the same time, there's this girl Heather that is probably one of my best friends at Whitman, but I don't really find her that attractive. I spent three hours just hanging out and talking with her, and it went by amazingly fast. But I don't find her that attractive. Why couldn't she just be more attractive?
Will I find the "right" person? And I ask a question, which is more important, physical looks or personality?
2) jobs/careers/lifestyles.
And now here I think about Chris and Dante
Chris first. I wonder how it worked out that he met this really cool/attractive girl named Ali, got along really well with her, and he seemed really happy. That is, luck in terms of relationships worked out really well for him. He just met this girl in physics class, and it just worked. Now he's with Kate, and it seems to work out really well too. So luck in relationships worked out really well.
But now, he just got fucked by a ladder and his knees really hurt... how does that even happen? How can someone do so well in one category of their life (relationships), and then life just comes around and fucks with another category of their life (career/lifestyle). Chris can't really go exploring like had intended, and now he has to sit at home and watch movies.
Why does this happen?
Dante. You're not with Chelsea anymore because you weren't feeling it being so far away from her. This indicates that the dating/relationship realm just isn't working out for you. But then in terms of career/lifestyle, you landed a boss job that actually makes a difference in the world. And this job just came out of nowhere. Cindy just happened to point you somewhere, and somehow, feeling under-qualified, happened to land this job. However, what it really comes down to, is that you're super qualified for this job.
Really, I feel like like Chris and Dante are diametrically opposed. Whereas Chris has relationships working for him, Dante doesn't. However, Dante has lifestyle/career going for him, and Chris doesn't.
How does that happen?