Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Interesting Video
Attached is a piece by David Harvey, an awesome geographer. Details systems flaws in capitalism while focusing on the current cycle of crises ... very interesting. Video also has an amazing mind map by a group that has done several of these super intricate maps detailing complex topics ...
Also way to go Dante with all of your posts lately. I check the blog when I get an email and it requires someone commenting on the post to receive notification ... but when I have time I am excited to look through all of the stuff you have been posting.
Also way to go Dante with all of your posts lately. I check the blog when I get an email and it requires someone commenting on the post to receive notification ... but when I have time I am excited to look through all of the stuff you have been posting.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Google Gets Better with 500 Billion
In 500 Billion Words, New Window on Culture
google has established a library of over 5.2 million books! somewhere around 500 billion words and some crazy statistic search engince. you can look up words against their catalogue of books and the egine will produce a graph of the number of times it showed up throughout history within their book collection Click here to check it out
google has established a library of over 5.2 million books! somewhere around 500 billion words and some crazy statistic search engince. you can look up words against their catalogue of books and the egine will produce a graph of the number of times it showed up throughout history within their book collection Click here to check it out
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Highlights of Gregoire's budget cuts

NOTE* this is the purposed budget plan and it has not yet been approved by our legislators BUT still this is the general game plan for our state come january
Thursday, December 16, 2010 - Page updated at 12:01 AM
Eliminate K-4 class-size reduction funds — $216 million
Suspend Initiative 728, which provides money to reduce class sizes — $860.2 million
Suspend Initiative 732, which provides cost-of-living increases for teachers — $253.3 million
Suspend planned increases in all-day kindergarten — $57 million
Suspend annual bonuses for National Board certified teachers — $99.5 million
Suspend annual step increases for teachers — $56.3 million
Eliminate gifted-student program — $18.6 million
Increase tuition to offset a $344.7 million cut at state colleges and universities
Further reduce state higher-ed funding by an average of 4.2 percent — $102.2 million
Suspend yearly pay increases under Initiative 732 for community-college employees — $27.1 million
Reduce state Work Study program to serve 2,800 fewer students — $20.8 million
Eliminate Basic Health Plan, a subsidized insurance program for the 66,000 poorer residents — $230.2 million
Eliminate Disability Lifeline, which provides health-care and cash grants to the unemployable disabled — $327.3 million
Eliminate Children's Health Program, which serves 27,000 children who could be in the country illegally — $59 million
Reduce in-home personal-care services for people on Medicaid — $97.5 million
Reduce nonemergency dental and maternity care for Medicaid patients — $48.2 million
Eliminate State Food Assistance Program — $45.6 million
Reduce Department of Corrections staff and programs — $51.6 million
Close McNeil Island Corrections Center — $17.6 million
Close Maple Lane School, a juvenile-offender center in Rochester, Thurston County — $3.3 million
Eliminate State Patrol Auto Theft Task Force — $3.6 million
Reduce parole services for juvenile offenders — $5 million
Deport all noncitizen drug and property offenders now incarcerated — $2.5 million
Increase fares by 10 percent
Reduce average daily sailings from 505 to 477
Cut administrative and operations support — $2.8 million
Suspend 2012 presidential primary — $10 million
Close state historical museums in Tacoma and Spokane, and eliminate education and outreach programs — $5.2 million
Cut all state funding for State Tourism Office — $4 million
Eliminate State Arts Commission — $2.5 million
Copyright © The Seattle Times Company
Permission to reprint or copy this article or photo, other than personal use, must be obtained from The Seattle Times. Call 206-464-3113 or e-mail with your request.

Because of this there will be no more art walks until may, atleast. Cutting social, working, business space for local artists
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
So i walked to work today...
while walking to work and well actually while waiting for the sun to rise early this morning around three i couldn't help but ponder the dichotomy(am i using this symbol properly?)of last night's logic of conscience.
one line of understanding went as:
is there history without conscience? what is real and existent except this moment? our individual perception in regards to what we understand as reality is a construct of our own mind--without our mind it would not exist...Thusly our conscious defines our perception and thus all experience and understanding is not defined by an external point but by our selves. we are god. we are the creator. i (my conscious) define reality. (so here comes the emotionally contingent example because it is not a sell unless you feel it too) for the Korowai, from West Papua, Indonesia it is acceptable to eat other other humans under specific conditions. WE may think that eating humans is innapproriate to do so but that's our culture to theirs sort of thing. In essence life is abstract and our conscious has given it definition and applicaiton (--this could be better defined--some one should try and tackle it, or provide resources for this line of thought, i would love that)
then we began to talk about infinity and our relation to the infinite--how we measure infinity/our understanding of it i.e. time's relationship to infinity, matter and existence. We then came to the confluence of the infinite in relation to conscious and our perception of coming to an end of conscious and what that might be and that no "human" has lost(died) his conscious and then came back "to relate it" --maybe nothing is an extention of the anticonscious the state of no perception.
we came to the revelation and shared understanding of percieveing our conscience as an evolutionary step(forward?)--a tool--to give us more access, to give us an edge above the competition we learned from our past actions by being able to process stor and compare our persceptions--but wouldn't that sort of understanding be an acceptance to the idea that beyond our counsciousness is a world independent of it, a third party difinitive that will exist and maintain beyond our perspired conscious (if they do...)regardless of one's ability to percieve it?? that will exist whether or not we can hear the tree fall? to believe that our conscious was obtained through evolution...
what i really just wanted and the above words may have lost it and it maybe be better had just in person because the following may not have it either but.......what i was trying to get at was that in the conversation we had the other night--we kept running in to a stream of rhetoric that we weren't able to swim that limits all conversation to an anthropocentric scientific unscientific trap of our conscious is what defines our expereince and understanding and its all relative to that if you grow up learning to eat shit then its your thing and i'm going to grow up learning to eat bark and neither of us are right. neither of us are wrong. which concludes with there is no ultimate moral line or obligation we will never have one. certainly when it is our conscious that is pulling the strings of defining our reality to bicker in the pursuit of finding the moral floor will be pointless. BUT i think the flaw of our conscious and the attempted full embrace of it is that ultimately it is an evolutionary tool that was crafted with the intent of maximizing our creatures access to energy to life-- solely Anthropocentric. the conscious has many different applications and could function in many different directions but since it resides in my brain in your brain in our brains we are using it specifically to benefit me, you, and us....i've got to leave...i'll write more AND SO NOW HALF A YEAR LATER I WRITE MORE... so my solution to this trap is to demand an evolutionary step forward for all humanity. the evolution of of our conscious...just as our conscious is applied to further maximize human benefit (and it has successfully for many years) we need to expand its foundation and line of rationality to include a moral under pinning that is holistic in its relationship to the earth and environment. Moral not in the anthropocentric sense. go ahead kill people. have wars. rape. pillage. deceive. subjugate. be violent. believe you can be taught to believe anything but maintain a simple moral under pinning to our mother to this planet to the earth to the environment to other animals and forms of life including rocks. ask the question "is what i consume taking more from than this earth than what it gives?" Lead a life that does no damage to the land. a life that does no damage to the water and a life that does no damage to the air. beyond those simple securities do what ever the fuck you want. ..
one line of understanding went as:
is there history without conscience? what is real and existent except this moment? our individual perception in regards to what we understand as reality is a construct of our own mind--without our mind it would not exist...Thusly our conscious defines our perception and thus all experience and understanding is not defined by an external point but by our selves. we are god. we are the creator. i (my conscious) define reality. (so here comes the emotionally contingent example because it is not a sell unless you feel it too) for the Korowai, from West Papua, Indonesia it is acceptable to eat other other humans under specific conditions. WE may think that eating humans is innapproriate to do so but that's our culture to theirs sort of thing. In essence life is abstract and our conscious has given it definition and applicaiton (--this could be better defined--some one should try and tackle it, or provide resources for this line of thought, i would love that)
then we began to talk about infinity and our relation to the infinite--how we measure infinity/our understanding of it i.e. time's relationship to infinity, matter and existence. We then came to the confluence of the infinite in relation to conscious and our perception of coming to an end of conscious and what that might be and that no "human" has lost(died) his conscious and then came back "to relate it" --maybe nothing is an extention of the anticonscious the state of no perception.
we came to the revelation and shared understanding of percieveing our conscience as an evolutionary step(forward?)--a tool--to give us more access, to give us an edge above the competition we learned from our past actions by being able to process stor and compare our persceptions--but wouldn't that sort of understanding be an acceptance to the idea that beyond our counsciousness is a world independent of it, a third party difinitive that will exist and maintain beyond our perspired conscious (if they do...)regardless of one's ability to percieve it?? that will exist whether or not we can hear the tree fall? to believe that our conscious was obtained through evolution...
what i really just wanted and the above words may have lost it and it maybe be better had just in person because the following may not have it either but.......what i was trying to get at was that in the conversation we had the other night--we kept running in to a stream of rhetoric that we weren't able to swim that limits all conversation to an anthropocentric scientific unscientific trap of our conscious is what defines our expereince and understanding and its all relative to that if you grow up learning to eat shit then its your thing and i'm going to grow up learning to eat bark and neither of us are right. neither of us are wrong. which concludes with there is no ultimate moral line or obligation we will never have one. certainly when it is our conscious that is pulling the strings of defining our reality to bicker in the pursuit of finding the moral floor will be pointless. BUT i think the flaw of our conscious and the attempted full embrace of it is that ultimately it is an evolutionary tool that was crafted with the intent of maximizing our creatures access to energy to life-- solely Anthropocentric. the conscious has many different applications and could function in many different directions but since it resides in my brain in your brain in our brains we are using it specifically to benefit me, you, and us....i've got to leave...i'll write more AND SO NOW HALF A YEAR LATER I WRITE MORE... so my solution to this trap is to demand an evolutionary step forward for all humanity. the evolution of of our conscious...just as our conscious is applied to further maximize human benefit (and it has successfully for many years) we need to expand its foundation and line of rationality to include a moral under pinning that is holistic in its relationship to the earth and environment. Moral not in the anthropocentric sense. go ahead kill people. have wars. rape. pillage. deceive. subjugate. be violent. believe you can be taught to believe anything but maintain a simple moral under pinning to our mother to this planet to the earth to the environment to other animals and forms of life including rocks. ask the question "is what i consume taking more from than this earth than what it gives?" Lead a life that does no damage to the land. a life that does no damage to the water and a life that does no damage to the air. beyond those simple securities do what ever the fuck you want. ..
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I think i liked this movie a bit more than most..but maybe thats me.
The UNidentified
some of us were watching this last night at my place--i've watched it once and enjoyed it--watched the start of it again with some of you last night and may like it even more. supprisingly it has only garnered an impressive 4.8 at IMDB but i feel the dialogue and story line were well intended and insightful, painfully ironic for me.
some of us were watching this last night at my place--i've watched it once and enjoyed it--watched the start of it again with some of you last night and may like it even more. supprisingly it has only garnered an impressive 4.8 at IMDB but i feel the dialogue and story line were well intended and insightful, painfully ironic for me.
The plundering of afghan begins
Afghan gold mining project approved!--no supprise there, but why is it no supprise???
interesting how without hesitation in seemingly seamless action we begin to extract resources from Afghanastan as if in the innocuous act of reaching into our own pant's pocket. A few weeks back my brother was assigned by his history teacher to compare and contrast "traditional" colonialism with neo-colonialism and decide which of the two was "worse." A worthy assignment but flawed in the structure of the question: requesting the students to rationalize one form of oppression above the other in a simple act of defferentiating which is more acceptable than the other...
earlier this year...mineral deposits were found
my favorite commentary on the subject
interesting how without hesitation in seemingly seamless action we begin to extract resources from Afghanastan as if in the innocuous act of reaching into our own pant's pocket. A few weeks back my brother was assigned by his history teacher to compare and contrast "traditional" colonialism with neo-colonialism and decide which of the two was "worse." A worthy assignment but flawed in the structure of the question: requesting the students to rationalize one form of oppression above the other in a simple act of defferentiating which is more acceptable than the other...
earlier this year...mineral deposits were found
my favorite commentary on the subject
Sunday, December 12, 2010
what we did this weekend.
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
Spent some time working on this over the weekend, Asa really wanted to do a group project for his birthday, so we came up with this. enjoy
Shameless Self Promotion
Hey all! I've been trying to find how to share files with some of you but haven't figured it out yet, but I just put up some new songs to my myspace, having just completed my computer music class, and I put up a new video (based on travels in europe) on youtube, so I'm including the links to those sites in case any of you want to check it out...
Here's the music:
and videos:
But right now I'm in Austin and I'll be coming back to the northwest on the 21st of December, so I'm stoked to see you all in person soon!
Here's the music:
and videos:
But right now I'm in Austin and I'll be coming back to the northwest on the 21st of December, so I'm stoked to see you all in person soon!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hackers Avenging Julian Assange
To whom it may concern
This could get ugly. Hackers have started targeting the websites of Mastercard, the Swedish prosecution authority, and other websites that are working against Wikileaks and Julian Assange. This article: gives an overview and notes that Twitter might be a target for alleged censoring of debate over Wikileaks.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Can we do something like this sometime, except with vegetarian options? This is fucking amazing.
1st. is Dailyhiker mikail this website seems to be really hitting what you have been talking about!
2nd. is a bad ass company called Klymit
with that said now click here to see their core product--they're working on full jackets too!
then check out their website
I think there is obvious overlap with the direction Nemo has gone with the innovative concept Klymit is pushing
chris you should get the family company to invest with this and merge it with NEMO!
1st. is Dailyhiker mikail this website seems to be really hitting what you have been talking about!
2nd. is a bad ass company called Klymit
with that said now click here to see their core product--they're working on full jackets too!
then check out their website
I think there is obvious overlap with the direction Nemo has gone with the innovative concept Klymit is pushing
chris you should get the family company to invest with this and merge it with NEMO!
Genetics: Proclivity to Power vs. Endurance
Nathan, I think you might get as excited about this as I just did. Check it out: This is a genetic test from an Australian company that will (theoretically) determine whether you have a genetic muscular proclivity towards power/explosiveness or endurance events. Apparently the ACTN3 gene that we inherit from both parents is the genetic determinant for this kind of thing. Holy crap. And its a mouth swab test, so it's non invasive and available for $200 Australian. I am currently jizzing my pants.
Julian Assange Arrested in London

(sorry if the videos are lame, i can't listen to them at work)
Getting the facts straight (Glen Greenwald)
Julian Assange's arrest
Debate over Julian Assange is a hero
The New Republic's take
The Associated Press' take
Monday, December 6, 2010
Public Record
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Expedition Impossible

This is the TV show we are applying to, and our application and supplemental video. I think we have a 92-97% chance of getting a part, give or take.
Show page
Nathan Stern - 20 - Bellingham, WA,
Chris Baran-Mickle - 20 - Dante Garcia - 20 - We live on Bainbridge Island, WA. Come April we will be in South America nearing the end of a 5 month multi-county adventure ready to begin on a new expedition.
Level of individual and team's experience with competitions/races:
Nathan: high school soccer, competitive submission wrestling, competitive rock climbing,
Chris: high school and collegiate ultimate frisbee player, recently competed in a sprint triathlon, high school soccer player, local adventure race winner.
Dante: select soccer player, local adventure race winner, climbing enthusiast.
Brief description of why your team is great for this competition and why you will win: We are great candidates for this competition because we thrive in and seek out adversity outdoors. Last summer we together completed all 220 miles of the John Muir Trail in 2 weeks (over 15 miles a day). Previous summers the same group of friends has gone on equally trying and rewarding climbing/backpacking/white water rafting trips. In addition to all the trips we take together each of us independently leads an extremely active outdoorsy lifestyle. Chris completed a NOLS mountaineering semester (along with several other WFA and mountaineering courses), is an avid skier, climber, and is an aspiring ultralight backpacker. Nathan partook in a Outward Bound river rafting course, skis, climbs, cycles and fights competitively. Dante first left the country by himself to travel to Venezuela when he was 15 and recently hitchhiked around New Zealand. He is a veteran outdoorsman and social activist/artist working as a union organizer. All of us are very fit and bring different and valuable outdoor skills to the table. We will win because we know how to work together, solve problems and deal with difficult situations in the outdoors and aren’t afraid to trust each other.
Anything else that makes your team memorable and unique: We have been friends since elementary school. During high school we started adventuring together as a team and family, pushing each other through hardships like snowstorms and dehydration; climbing mountain peaks and getting lost in canyons. Over the last few years we have drifted apart following our different paths in life. This expedition may be one of our last great adventures before diving into the real world of and careers and families. We are still a deeply connected team that knows how to work together and push each other to the limit, we certainly can push each others buttons, but we think we can make this work.
A glimpse of us and our adventures (OUR VIDEO)
Chris: 206-403-5151
Dante: 206-755-4729
Nathan: 206-963-4760
Thanks for considering us!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
We've been fantasizing about our next outdoor adventure for some time, let's start discussing details so this actually happens.
Snow, Warm place to rest our heads at nice, friends, SLEDDING, warm, yummy food. I am thinking three nights.
Possible Locations:
Mary Rain's Cabin: Mikail has talked to her about letting us use it, I believe she is on board. I think there is a potential for snowmobiles, if not we would have to ski/snowshoe in. It is a big slog, but definitely feasable. Pros: FREE! Cons: Devin went up there last season and discover a thriving mouse population. APparently the floor was covered in insulation when he got there. He said they swept it out and managed just fine, but this could be an issue.
Tahoma Huts:
These are a series of huts by Mt. Rainier that cost $15 per person per night. They hold 14 folks and the Parks fill them, so we would either need to get 14 of us commited, or share the space with other campers. They are plush - stoves, couches, sleeping mats, full kitchen, outhouse. They do fill up, so if we are moving in this direction we should try and reserve them within the week. Here's the link see for your self, the word 'hut' doesn't really do them justice.
Other Options?? I know there are tons of rentable cabins in the cascades, we should look around for other possible locations.
Right now the main thing we have to decide upon is dates and numbers going. In my mind there are two possible windows, the 20-24 and the 26-30. I am flexible with both, but need to inform my boss asap, as I will be working in the woodshop any available day that is not christmas or this trip. For that reason, I would prefer to schedule the trip as close to Christmas as possible, so as to minimize days just chilling on the island. I would also prefer the 26-30th window, but I can do either.
Stoked, let's make this happen. believe in the magic of your dreams.
Snow, Warm place to rest our heads at nice, friends, SLEDDING, warm, yummy food. I am thinking three nights.
Possible Locations:
Mary Rain's Cabin: Mikail has talked to her about letting us use it, I believe she is on board. I think there is a potential for snowmobiles, if not we would have to ski/snowshoe in. It is a big slog, but definitely feasable. Pros: FREE! Cons: Devin went up there last season and discover a thriving mouse population. APparently the floor was covered in insulation when he got there. He said they swept it out and managed just fine, but this could be an issue.
Tahoma Huts:
These are a series of huts by Mt. Rainier that cost $15 per person per night. They hold 14 folks and the Parks fill them, so we would either need to get 14 of us commited, or share the space with other campers. They are plush - stoves, couches, sleeping mats, full kitchen, outhouse. They do fill up, so if we are moving in this direction we should try and reserve them within the week. Here's the link see for your self, the word 'hut' doesn't really do them justice.
Other Options?? I know there are tons of rentable cabins in the cascades, we should look around for other possible locations.
Right now the main thing we have to decide upon is dates and numbers going. In my mind there are two possible windows, the 20-24 and the 26-30. I am flexible with both, but need to inform my boss asap, as I will be working in the woodshop any available day that is not christmas or this trip. For that reason, I would prefer to schedule the trip as close to Christmas as possible, so as to minimize days just chilling on the island. I would also prefer the 26-30th window, but I can do either.
Stoked, let's make this happen. believe in the magic of your dreams.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Aight, so update on my birthday bizzash: my parents were almost open to me having a nice drunken time the weekend of the 10th, but now 1) they're hesitant and 2) it looks like they're not going outta town.
We may need an alternate venue.
Can anyone suggest anything?
UPDATE: Corbin has suggested Oly on Saturday Dec. 11th. Adam Foley is having a show with Manimal, Weed, and Cower at his place, then maybe we'd hit up Corbin/Sam/Duncan/Liam's?
Thoughts, anyone?
We may need an alternate venue.
Can anyone suggest anything?
UPDATE: Corbin has suggested Oly on Saturday Dec. 11th. Adam Foley is having a show with Manimal, Weed, and Cower at his place, then maybe we'd hit up Corbin/Sam/Duncan/Liam's?
Thoughts, anyone?
Monday, November 29, 2010
BURN! 1969
It is a film that is based around the events that happened in Guadeloupe. Essentially Marlon Brando an American actor stars in a film that portrays the abuses of colonial powers, producing a beautiful crituque of how to supress a revolution and subjugate colored people. I was unaware that Marlon Brando, our fourth greatest male actor of all american film according to Time Magizine, was politically oriented. He refused to recieve an Oscar for his performance in The Godfather and instead had a native american take the stage and address the issues surrounding the wounded knee standoff and native american's role in the film industry.
"Homosexuality is so much in fashion it no longer makes news. Like a large number of men, I, too, have had homosexual experiences and I am not ashamed. I have never paid much attention to what people think about me. But if there is someone who is convinced that Jack Nicholson and I are lovers, may they continue to do so. I find it amusing." Marlon Brando
"Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews, and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of—of people who are suffering. Because they've exploited—we have seen the—we have seen the Nigger and Greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything but we never saw the Kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the wagons around." Larry King, who is Jewish, replied, "When you say—when you say something like that you are playing right in, though, to anti-Semitic people who say the Jews are—" at which point Brando interrupted. "No, no, because I will be the first one who will appraise the Jews honestly and say 'Thank God for the Jews.'" In 1946, Brando showed his dedication to the Jewish desire for a homeland by performing in Ben Hecht's Zionist play "A Flag is Born".

a set of facts that i found...from national geographic's article: Parting the Waters
with responses from my friend uri who will be joining the blog soon!
The sea of galilee supplies 1/3 of israel's fresh water
since 1967 israel has blocked syria's access to the lake's shoreline
Syria is still at war with Israel from 1967- they are still enemies. Syria actively supplies attacks on Israel.
Maps of the golan heights minefields (the second most densely mined area in the world after only Korean DMZ) have still not been turned over to Israel as mandated by international law when a country conquers territory from another. That is why when hiking in the area you are never supposed to leave the trail. I attached a common sign you will see in northern Israel.
water flows from mount Hermon
The region has been going through a 6 year drought
in the past five decades the Jordan River has lost more than 90% of its flow, which flows to the Sea of galilee-- Israel's national water carrier has a damned the sea of galilee diverting water from the jordan river.
according to Oregon state university "of the 37 actual military conflicts over water since 1950, 32 took place in the middle east; 30 of them involved israel and its arab neighbors. of those practically all were over the jordan river and the tributaries
armed conflicts over the Jordan began in 1948 with the founding of israel. source of israel's water supply have lain out side of its borders
israel sees water as a national security issue and a resource to guard jealously
israel settlers get water from merkorot--which has drilled 42 deep wells in the west bank--to supply israel and settlers
according to a 2009 world bank report, israel uses four times as much water per capita as palestinians
west bank palestinians, under islraeli military rule, have largely been preveneted from digging deep wells--palesitinians are forced to purchase water for 1$ a cubic yard--in effect buying back the water that is taken underneath them by merkorot
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
What do you think--what would you say?
( this is an excerpt from an email correspondence)
There are biases from every point of view and it is our challenge to interprete the biases and the facts and put them together to understand the overall story. There is no "Israeli standpoint", within Israel there consists every opinion on these subjects and when I talk with you I present my own. This freedom of thought and dialogue can only happen in an open society where various opinions and information channels are available to the population.
I have many video clips that I would like to watch with you so we can together evaluate if such basic freedoms are provided to the Palestinian people, and if not, what messages they are taught and surrounded by. These messages, in a closed society, are provided by the leadership to the people forming their belief system and ultimately their actions. Therefore, the final question stands, 'In a closed society what is the message from the leadership to the people? And is it conducive to peace?'
The article (with holocuast horrors and "palestinian equivalents") you sent me is a popular way to attack Israel, and I think answers to the core of your "why" questions.
Graphic marketing such as this must be evaluated as follows. 1) If these photos are real. 2) If they are taken and portrayed in the context of the situation. 3) What are the intentions of both sides involved- the reason for the situation 4) Is the situation a trend or policy?
I will not respond to the first three steps becuase clearly this type of ad is not geared for critical analysis and it does not confront the fundamental point being made. I do not have enough information on the specific pictures and circumstances. So I will skip to number four in light of the more general context of Israel's relationship with the Palestinian people.
Israel has no policy of extermination. No policy of targeting civilians. Israel has the best military in the region and leads the world in urban warfare combat. Compared to all modern militaries in the world Israel has the least civilian deaths to combatant ratio. Before engagements Israel calls homes and neighborhoods to clear out civilians. The military sends air leaflets to notify civilians and routinely abandons missions where civilian lives will knowingly be lost.
War, all war, is ugly. Civilians die in war. Mistakes are made. Plans are not executed correctly. Unwanted harm is inevitably done.
What makes the Nazi comparisons so hurtful particularly to Israel is the obvious connection between Jews and the Holocaust. Unlike Israel, the Nazis did have a policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide. As one of the most powerful armies in Europe they did use their resources to segregate and annahilate large populations in Europe. Most of my father's family was victim to such a policy.
To the core, these holocaust fotos answer all your why questions. It is not about land - when given land attacks get worse and terrorist groups are emboldened. And it is not about resources- palestinians are provided all humanitarian necessities as quantified by the UN, including water. Look at Israel's immediate enemies. Iran publicly calls for the annihilation of Jews. Hezbollah, Hamas, the list goes on with the outward haters. Look up their charters. Look up their leaders. It is very clear. They don't even try to hide their intentions, they spell it out clearly and announce what they want in their public speeches.
Land, resources, economic opportunity can be solutions to problems for palestinian people. The wars being faught are not against the palestinian people. They are agianst those who control their opinion, restrict their basic liberties and freedom of thought.
The answer to the why question: Look at Israel, its constant condemnation by the world community, moreso than any other country- ever. More than N. Korea. Myanmar. Iran. China. USA. These disputes are not simply surface issues (like settlements) the world makes it out to be. No country is misrepresented, deligitimized, targeted like Israel.
Does Israel make mistakes? Yes. Does it have policies I disagree with? Yes. Do some citizens discriminate? Yes. Do some soldiers kill innocent people? Probably.
Are these issues unique to Israel? No.
Why? The hatred toward Israel is for what makes makes it unique. The only Jewish majority country in the world.
And that my friend is a much bigger and scarier question. "Why" past here is one of the oldest questions in the world. A legacy that has endured for thousands of years. One that I am a part of and you are not.
We have to get together to speak face to face. We both want the same thing- Justice. Through critical thought, analysis and compassion we can find a way to get there.
Not quite Thanksgiving yet but I' probably won't see you.
Thanks for being in my life,
Enjoy the holiday.
There are biases from every point of view and it is our challenge to interprete the biases and the facts and put them together to understand the overall story. There is no "Israeli standpoint", within Israel there consists every opinion on these subjects and when I talk with you I present my own. This freedom of thought and dialogue can only happen in an open society where various opinions and information channels are available to the population.
I have many video clips that I would like to watch with you so we can together evaluate if such basic freedoms are provided to the Palestinian people, and if not, what messages they are taught and surrounded by. These messages, in a closed society, are provided by the leadership to the people forming their belief system and ultimately their actions. Therefore, the final question stands, 'In a closed society what is the message from the leadership to the people? And is it conducive to peace?'
The article (with holocuast horrors and "palestinian equivalents") you sent me is a popular way to attack Israel, and I think answers to the core of your "why" questions.
Graphic marketing such as this must be evaluated as follows. 1) If these photos are real. 2) If they are taken and portrayed in the context of the situation. 3) What are the intentions of both sides involved- the reason for the situation 4) Is the situation a trend or policy?
I will not respond to the first three steps becuase clearly this type of ad is not geared for critical analysis and it does not confront the fundamental point being made. I do not have enough information on the specific pictures and circumstances. So I will skip to number four in light of the more general context of Israel's relationship with the Palestinian people.
Israel has no policy of extermination. No policy of targeting civilians. Israel has the best military in the region and leads the world in urban warfare combat. Compared to all modern militaries in the world Israel has the least civilian deaths to combatant ratio. Before engagements Israel calls homes and neighborhoods to clear out civilians. The military sends air leaflets to notify civilians and routinely abandons missions where civilian lives will knowingly be lost.
War, all war, is ugly. Civilians die in war. Mistakes are made. Plans are not executed correctly. Unwanted harm is inevitably done.
What makes the Nazi comparisons so hurtful particularly to Israel is the obvious connection between Jews and the Holocaust. Unlike Israel, the Nazis did have a policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide. As one of the most powerful armies in Europe they did use their resources to segregate and annahilate large populations in Europe. Most of my father's family was victim to such a policy.
To the core, these holocaust fotos answer all your why questions. It is not about land - when given land attacks get worse and terrorist groups are emboldened. And it is not about resources- palestinians are provided all humanitarian necessities as quantified by the UN, including water. Look at Israel's immediate enemies. Iran publicly calls for the annihilation of Jews. Hezbollah, Hamas, the list goes on with the outward haters. Look up their charters. Look up their leaders. It is very clear. They don't even try to hide their intentions, they spell it out clearly and announce what they want in their public speeches.
Land, resources, economic opportunity can be solutions to problems for palestinian people. The wars being faught are not against the palestinian people. They are agianst those who control their opinion, restrict their basic liberties and freedom of thought.
The answer to the why question: Look at Israel, its constant condemnation by the world community, moreso than any other country- ever. More than N. Korea. Myanmar. Iran. China. USA. These disputes are not simply surface issues (like settlements) the world makes it out to be. No country is misrepresented, deligitimized, targeted like Israel.
Does Israel make mistakes? Yes. Does it have policies I disagree with? Yes. Do some citizens discriminate? Yes. Do some soldiers kill innocent people? Probably.
Are these issues unique to Israel? No.
Why? The hatred toward Israel is for what makes makes it unique. The only Jewish majority country in the world.
And that my friend is a much bigger and scarier question. "Why" past here is one of the oldest questions in the world. A legacy that has endured for thousands of years. One that I am a part of and you are not.
We have to get together to speak face to face. We both want the same thing- Justice. Through critical thought, analysis and compassion we can find a way to get there.
Not quite Thanksgiving yet but I' probably won't see you.
Thanks for being in my life,
Enjoy the holiday.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Google envisions its own town
Just saw this in the newspaper today--google is officially building its own community living
With google around do we have privacy?
and the older one...if you wants to see
With google around do we have privacy?
and the older one...if you wants to see
Friday, November 19, 2010
I'm starting my own tv show!
Here's the Pilot. Directed, edited and made awesome by Nathaniel Buechler.
Court to Issue Warrant for Assange

Not sure if anyone saw this bullshit flow through the news...
I guess if you did not know Julian Assange is a rapist and molestor. A warrant has been put out, by two women filing at the exact same time, for his arrest so that they can interigate him.
My favorite record of the year
Whirl - Distressor EP
I think these guys will appeal to all yallz. So stoked I discovered them-- my friend I run a download blog with is actually pressing the vinyl! Dreamy vocals, huge lush guitars and a really, reallllly warm production. Chris, I played this for you when we drove back from Oly after Halloween. You can legitly (ie, with band's permission) download the songs for free HERE.
I think these guys will appeal to all yallz. So stoked I discovered them-- my friend I run a download blog with is actually pressing the vinyl! Dreamy vocals, huge lush guitars and a really, reallllly warm production. Chris, I played this for you when we drove back from Oly after Halloween. You can legitly (ie, with band's permission) download the songs for free HERE.
Green School
My friend Colin just posted this on my wall.
ted talks,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Asa's 23rd Birthday Shindig Brainstorm
This is me last year. In this photo I have just downed a Colt .45 40 in under five minutes. I am dressed as Princess Leia and doing the "invisible blowjob" motion. Please don't let this happen again this year.
Aight, so my 23rd is Thursday, December 9th, and my parents leave the next morning. So, you're all invited over Friday the 10th, natch.
Food for thought:
-My neighbors can be puds if noise gets too loud, but I think this is rarely an issue with us...Ben (Eisenhardt) had a ludicrous jock party May of last year and somehow no one ever called the cops
-A theme would be nice.
-Regardless, it's a potluck. Bring some fine-ass food, preferably vegetarian!
-If you're drinking, you're sleeping over. Period. At least, that's the way I'd like to keep it.
Please, contribute thoughts and ideas! I really haven't had a good birthday party in like two years, and I haven't had a good birthday party with my NW friends since probably 2004.
Halloween: A (Attempted) Haiku
These spliffs are mad real
When interspersed with good beer
Have me crossfading
When interspersed with good beer
Have me crossfading
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I've been meaning to write a post for a while, and an email Dante sent me today made me realize that I should probably just do it. There are a few things I've been meaning to address.
The idea of Sangha has been on my mind a lot for the past month or two. Sangha is a Pali/Sanskrit word that describes one of the Three Refuges (a.k.a. the Three Jewels) that make up manifestation along with Dharma and Buddha. This triumvirate has some conceptual parallels. For Buddha: first person manifestation (I), art/aesthetic value, Plato's "the Beautiful"; for Sangha: second person manifestation (We), moral/cultural (shared) values, Plato's "the Good"; for Dharma: third person manifestation (It), science/objective truth (facts), Plato's "the True." In Buddhist practice, the Sangha is the group of people who practice Buddhism, i.e. the community of shared support that everyone can rely on (but the concept can obviously extend beyond that narrow definition and into any community of similarly intentioned people).
One of the questions Dante asked me in his email was what I do to improve and grow. Some of this is painfully obvious: I make very intentional decisions about what I eat and how I exercise, decisions that have paid off many times over so far in my life in regards to health and wellbeing. Also, not so obviously, for about the past five years I've cultivated the ability for compassionate introspection, which allows me to investigate whatever's going on in my life with curiosity and compassion. This really started with non-violent communication, which focuses on identifying feelings and their stimuli as the first steps toward honest resolution and acceptance of emotions. This by itself has gotten me a long way as well, and the first-person practice allows an easy transition into second- and third-person compassion, i.e. empathy. At a certain point I realized that this could only take me so far, and I started using HoloSync (which I've had conversations about with some people; basically, meditation tapes that stimulate brain wave patterns typical of experienced meditators. The results are pretty much identical to those of classical mediation) this past summer and just this past month started a daily meditation practice after a waning in HoloSync use. There is a unifying thread here: everything I practice on a daily basis I make non-negotiable (within reason) and pursue with the clearest intention and joy possible.
The problem, however, that I started to come to terms with in the past month or two is a serious lack of Sangha in my life. Pretty much everything I'm passionate about and practice and pursue regularly I do almost exclusively by myself, with a few exceptions here and there. I've been used to this for years, however, and I think I started to forget how powerful it is to have a community in which to pursue what you love. This blog is certainly a Sangha, but there are clear limits of distance that stop it from being as effective as it could be. When I hear about everyone else having conversations and hanging out I'm overjoyed sort of vicariously, but it tends to remind me how far away I am from the people that understand me the most. (Incidentally, once I started to investigate those feelings they started to resolve and I'm feeling better about the situation now than I did a few weeks ago; but still, the distance remains.) I remind myself, however, that there is a payoff at the end of this separation: the big Sangha in the sky (that sounds trite, but it won't in a minute).
Last week my friend Colin had a friend in town from the Bay area, a girl named Chloe who I'd met briefly this summer. The three of us were hanging out, and conversation turned to spiritual practice (she's a practicing Buddhist), intention, and community. Long story short, we had a conversation that I'd needed to have for a long time, and it brings me to my next point: a challenge to all of us.
Years ago, when we would spend ungodly numbers of hours in cars and on farms with nothing else to talk about, conversation would turn, generally speaking, to the multitude of ways in which society could collapse. So we tried to figure out the best way to deal with the possibility of apocalypse, and the general conclusion was: buy land. Build a community. Make it sustainable. Stock up. There were a lot of these conversations (I know Tevon and I spent a week straight talking about that shit when we were on our farm in New Zealand), and they haven't stopped since. But at a certain point (probably a series of points) I (and I think I can safely assume We) started to realize that there is a "better" way to live, one that can maximize human, cultural, and ecological (Buddha, Sangha, Dharma, anyone?) potential, and that this is actually the same thing as preparing a life based around the coming apocalypse. What a happy coincidence! But it's hard to maintain vision when lives move quickly and passions and motivations change even quicker. With that as a given,
Fuck That.
We have a tremendous, unavoidable responsibility to ourselves and to the world to design our lives and our lifestyles from the ground up exactly as we would have them. Why? Because we can. Because there's absolutely no reason not to. Because we have an exceedingly talented and creative group of people that have the capacity for truly transformative personal and cultural change. We are obligated to settle for nothing less than an idyllic, life-affirming vision of the future that radiates compassion and love in its every action and movement, that strives for perfection, however unattainable, every day of every year. So ask yourself: what did I do today that moved me closer to my highest potential? What did I do today to move someone else closer to theirs? And what am I doing that will have a lasting, building, cumulative impact on the manifestation of a brighter future? Are you honest with yourself about your short and long term commitments? Is it really that hard to get off of the computer and spend twenty minutes engaging in contemplative practice? Is it worth getting angry and upset and living with daily dissatisfaction? Is it worth giving less than everything for what you believe in?
I've asked myself this again and again for the past few months, and the answers have become less disappointing the more I ask and the more I organize my life in a way that cultivates compassion, intention, and love. I haven't been this happy and certain about and open to my future for a long time. So look inside, and be honest with yourself. There is no better time than right now, and there never will be. We have the opportunity to create a beautiful life, and a beautiful Sangha, but it will take vision and commitment. It's time to stop compromising our intentions and our future, and reaffirm out commitment to the future that we all know is possible.
Share Shit
On Asa's suggestion i created a mediafire account, linked to a group email to use just in case. The address is, and thus, the username for mediafire is sharedblogemail. the password for both of these is: bitillidie, sorry mikail. so yeah, we can share files and shit. i just put up the Lesnar Velasquez fight where brock gets his shit rocked.
to get it all you have to do is sign in and go to my files and hit download. click here.
to get it all you have to do is sign in and go to my files and hit download. click here.

Monday, November 15, 2010
Hampshire in a nutshell
From One Taste, by Ken Wilber:
"In this regressive atmosphere, as David Berreby puts it, writing in The Sciences: 'Americans have a standard playbook for creating a political-cultural identity. You start with the conviction that being a member of your group is a distinct experience, separating you from people who are not in it (even close friends and relatives) and uniting you with other members of the group (even if you have never met them). Second, you assume that your own personal struggles and humiliations and triumphs in wrestling with your trait are a version of the struggles of the group in society. The person is political. Third, you maintain that your group has interests that are being neglected or acted against, and so it must take action - changing how the group is seen by those outside it, for instance.' It's not that such action is bad. It's just that, taken in and by itself, it is massively alienating and fragmenting, a type of pathological pluralism that astonishingly believes that acceptance of my group can be accomplished by aggressively blaming and condemning exactly the group from which I seek the acceptance."
Saturday, November 13, 2010
How Dropbox and Mediafire work
Both, basically, allow us to host files that we can than then give download links to each other for.
In retrospect, I think Mediafire is the best for this.
We need a functional email address for a username and then a password that can be given to everyone. The account will then be a central database in which we can upload anything for the rest of us to download (though I think having a free account limits the individual upload size to 100 MB).
In retrospect, I think Mediafire is the best for this.
We need a functional email address for a username and then a password that can be given to everyone. The account will then be a central database in which we can upload anything for the rest of us to download (though I think having a free account limits the individual upload size to 100 MB).
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Favor to Ask
I have a favor to ask. I was just walking back from class and thinking: wouldn't it be great if I could get feedback on how I come across to other people? And then I thought: I bet I can. So long story short, I think it would be awesome if anybody here was willing to basically narrate me to me. I've been focusing lately on being super intentional about how I live day to day, from activities I choose to (or not to) engage in to how I interact and relate with people, and it would be super helpful to get a view from the other end. Obviously I haven't been around for a while, but I think everyone knows me well enough to have some observations. I find it really hard to get real, personal feedback and I couldn't think of better people to ask for it. I don't want this to be a mutual masturbation exercise, so honesty is the name of the game. If I'm an asshole, I'd love to hear about it. If my dick is my best characteristic, I'd love to hear about it. I'm pretty hard to offend these days. If you don't have time or don't feel like saying anything, that's totally cool too. E-mailing me is probably the best way to do this, mine is, which I think everyone has. Many thanks in advance.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
World of Jenks MMA
Up and coming filmmaker--andrew Jenks has made some cool shit and has got something going with this series
this one follows the life of an mma fighter
this one follows the life of an mma fighter
Mondragon Corporation

this morning at work my friend Ricardo was in a conference meeting with these people:
Based in Spain, Mondragon is a massive cooperative that is completely worker owned. It embodies a healthy worker corporation realtionship. Each worker is a worker-owner and has one vote. they vote on on many things including the pay ratio of their bosses which cannot exceed 9:1...anyways, maybe some one is interested
good ideas...
Corbin, this is the man that won the TED prize in 2006, Cameron Sinclair
and to follow this link is a listing of all of the TED talkers and their subjects
and to follow this link is a listing of all of the TED talkers and their subjects
Design-Led Community Building
Project H Design in rural North Carolina.
Chris, Dante - This connects to our ferry conversation this morning. I wrote down their 6 design principles; they were concise, direct and ran parallel to our evolving model of community design/build.
Excited about connecting design with education. Excited about the "Learning Landscapes" - outdoor elementary school classrooms that educate through games. Excited about retooling shop class to focus on community projects.
Must be modeled after the Rural Studio in Alabama. Recommend checking them out.
Chris, Dante - This connects to our ferry conversation this morning. I wrote down their 6 design principles; they were concise, direct and ran parallel to our evolving model of community design/build.
Excited about connecting design with education. Excited about the "Learning Landscapes" - outdoor elementary school classrooms that educate through games. Excited about retooling shop class to focus on community projects.
Must be modeled after the Rural Studio in Alabama. Recommend checking them out.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Elizabeth Smart
Elizabeth smart, the girl who was kidnapped in 2002 by crazy-fucking-mormon Brian Mitchell began testimony today in a Utah court. Anyone familiar with Under the Banner of Heaven should remember the situation. Some of her testimony:
Photo Tutorials
I am heading up to Bainbridge on the Wednesday before thanksgiving, leaving the following saturday morning. I think last year we ended up planning a night where we could all meet up ... I would be excited for that to happen again. When all are people going to be home? When and where would be a good place to meet up?
dropbox & mediafire
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Bully Beat Down Season 3
i think i just watched the first episode of season 3. the show's host obliterates the first bully--i'll post the full once its available: some how it changes his life...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
November 13th and 14th Mountain Climb

on the second weekend of november i'm working and planning on bringing a large group peopleup to a high elavation to catch a glimpse at a winter sunrise--if all works out on the morning of the 14th we'll wake up early--the clouds will have dropped below our elavation and we'll be perched above them--i'll be bringing some friends from bellingham who also have some (other's have none) technical climbing skills--and chris is finding a good location so that we can all have a informal skill share and colaboration--all are invited for those who can make it --any ideas, suggestions are desired
sorry the post is rushed i'll refine it later...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mortgage/Banking Crisis - Boiled Down
You all should listen to this if you want a very succinct and well rounded description of the mortgage crisis that brought down the world economy. This american life teamed up with some NPR financial guys to do the story. LISTEN HERE
And.... another TAL episode on the banking crash in layman's terms. LISTEN HERE
all you need to do is select the play episode option.
And.... another TAL episode on the banking crash in layman's terms. LISTEN HERE
all you need to do is select the play episode option.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
My turn for an update I guess. I'm gonna go bullet-point format so I can keep track of what I'm saying.
-Jhane and I broke up two weeks ago. This seems to be going around (Dante, Michael). The impetus wasn't mine, but it's definitely a move in the right direction. Maybe more so for me, because I loved her unconditionally (literally, without condition) and therefore don't have a problem not being together, because I can still love her and support her if she needs it. Which she does right now, because she's bipolar, went off of her medication two months ago, and is having a hard time finding ways to be happy, mainly due, I think, to a lack of passion and curiosity. We almost broke up this summer because I tried to explain, maybe not in the most delicate manner, how love is best when its a) not exclusive or possessive and b) unconditional. Not sure she's there yet, which is a bummer, but it is what it is. I feel good about it now.
-I decided like three weeks ago to go ahead and do pre-med requirements before I graduate, which basically means a ton of lab classes (Chem. I and II, Organic Chem. I and II, Physics I and II, two semesters of biology, biochemistry, stats...). But I was planning on doing all of those anyways, with the exception of Physics, so I figured what the hell. Might as well set myself up in case I decide to go in that direction later. And then I started thinking more about medical school as an actual possibility, and have been liking the idea more and more over the past two weeks. I'm taking Human Physiology right now, which is hard as shit, but it's a ton of fun and I actually enjoy doing the homework and problem sets. Which is probably an indication that I might want to go in that direction, and advanced physiology, if it's not research, means medicine. So we'll see.
-I've started looking at summer research programs across the country. The National Science Foundation sponsors thousands of undergraduate students to attend hundreds of schools to do research in everything from computer science to neuroscience to ecology and astrophysics. My friend Colin did a program this past summer at UMass in computer science and made $4,000, which is pretty typical for REUs (Research Experiences for Undergraduates). They usually give you a food stipend too, and set you up in a nice living situation. They're all about ten weeks, starting between mid-May and mid-June. This would definitely put a damper on any summer plans, and I obviously wouldn't be able to spend most of my summer at home, but if I can get into one its an awesome opportunity and would help me figure out if I'm interested in that kind of stuff (I'm looking into programs that do research in physiology, molecular and cell biology, neuroscience, genetics, and combinations thereof). Looking into this has also helped me realize how the government fosters the domestic advancement of science, as all of the programs are specifically designed to recruit students to become research scientists. They probably do a good job, spending about 6,000$ per student just in stipend, room, board and travel... makes research seem pretty attractive when they're paying you to get an introduction to it. They usually give about 500,000$ to each research site as well, and they have at least one hundred just in the biological sciences classification. Crazy.
-I've been trying to put on weight this semester, but without access to a scale its pretty hard to track progress. But I've definitely put on a few pounds, if my eyes aren't lying. I've been following the CrossFit Football website, which focuses mainly on developing speed, strength, and power, and I've been having a lot of fun with that. And put 40 pounds on my five-rep max deadlift in seven weeks. Not bad. Working out takes up about seven hours a week, on top of frisbee and whitewater kayaking. Not a ton of free time these days.
-Which reminds me that I've been doing whitewater kayaking, one pool practice session per week and a five-hour day trip every friday. Super fun, and highly recommended to anyone with access to a college outdoors program. It's getting a little cold to be padding in chilly rivers though.
-I'm super psyched to spend January in Guatemala, especially now that Chris, Dante, Mikail and Graham are all coming. Its gonna be a blast. Probably more fun than the WFR last winter.
-Hampshire halloween is on friday and things are going to get crazy, like usual. I'm going to try out ecstasy and see how it treats me. Should be fun. A bunch of people on the frisbee team just ordered reversible pinnies that say hampshire lacrosse on them, with a hammer and sickle and crossed lacrosse sticks, so a bunch of us are going to be lacrosse bros for halloween. Creative? Not really. But so ironic. Hampshire fosters an inflated sense of irony, unfortunately.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
A Sad Truth
Athletic disposition is predetermined. There I said it. I have learned several facts in my kin class that I think you might be interested to know.
Reflex speed/fluency(cognitive not motor reflex "how fast you think"): In healthy individuals the only thing that determines the speed of these traits is axon diameter which is genetically predetermined and cannot be trained. In case you were wondering bigger is better in this case.
proportion of muscle fiber types: Muscle type cannot be converted from fast twitch to slow twitch and the average human has around 50% of each. In a muscle bi-opsy of Hussain Bolt's Vastus Mediallus it was determined that there was 82% fast twitch muscle fiber. Similarly Lance Armstrong would have unusually high proportion of slow twitch muscle fibers. And of course, you guessed it, proportion of muscle fiber type is genetically determined.
Muscle size: you may believe that muscle size is very training dependent, and you would be right, sort of. In a study of untrained mature males on max bicep curl weight there ended up being a very large distribution. The lowest weights were in the 20s and the highs were somewhere in the 80s range. So, assuming a 50% increase in strength via training the lowest would be 30 and the highest would be 120. In other words, though muscle size is trainable, your base mass/strength is genetically determined and as seen, that makes the most significant difference.
Aerobic endurance/VO2 Max: also genticly dependant.
sorry the last one was lacking but I am tired and I still have to do physics homework. punch line--> None of us can train to be lebron james :,(
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