Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So i walked to work today...

while walking to work and well actually while waiting for the sun to rise early this morning around three i couldn't help but ponder the dichotomy(am i using this symbol properly?)of last night's logic of conscience.

one line of understanding went as:
is there history without conscience? what is real and existent except this moment? our individual perception in regards to what we understand as reality is a construct of our own mind--without our mind it would not exist...Thusly our conscious defines our perception and thus all experience and understanding is not defined by an external point but by our selves. we are god. we are the creator. i (my conscious) define reality. (so here comes the emotionally contingent example because it is not a sell unless you feel it too) for the Korowai, from West Papua, Indonesia it is acceptable to eat other other humans under specific conditions. WE may think that eating humans is innapproriate to do so but that's our culture to theirs sort of thing. In essence life is abstract and our conscious has given it definition and applicaiton (--this could be better defined--some one should try and tackle it, or provide resources for this line of thought, i would love that)

then we began to talk about infinity and our relation to the infinite--how we measure infinity/our understanding of it i.e. time's relationship to infinity, matter and existence. We then came to the confluence of the infinite in relation to conscious and our perception of coming to an end of conscious and what that might be and that no "human" has lost(died) his conscious and then came back "to relate it" --maybe nothing is an extention of the anticonscious the state of no perception.


we came to the revelation and shared understanding of percieveing our conscience as an evolutionary step(forward?)--a tool--to give us more access, to give us an edge above the competition we learned from our past actions by being able to process stor and compare our persceptions--but wouldn't that sort of understanding be an acceptance to the idea that beyond our counsciousness is a world independent of it, a third party difinitive that will exist and maintain beyond our perspired conscious (if they do...)regardless of one's ability to percieve it?? that will exist whether or not we can hear the tree fall? to believe that our conscious was obtained through evolution...

what i really just wanted and the above words may have lost it and it maybe be better had just in person because the following may not have it either but.......what i was trying to get at was that in the conversation we had the other night--we kept running in to a stream of rhetoric that we weren't able to swim that limits all conversation to an anthropocentric scientific unscientific trap of our conscious is what defines our expereince and understanding and its all relative to that if you grow up learning to eat shit then its your thing and i'm going to grow up learning to eat bark and neither of us are right. neither of us are wrong. which concludes with there is no ultimate moral line or obligation we will never have one. certainly when it is our conscious that is pulling the strings of defining our reality to bicker in the pursuit of finding the moral floor will be pointless. BUT i think the flaw of our conscious and the attempted full embrace of it is that ultimately it is an evolutionary tool that was crafted with the intent of maximizing our creatures access to energy to life-- solely Anthropocentric. the conscious has many different applications and could function in many different directions but since it resides in my brain in your brain in our brains we are using it specifically to benefit me, you, and us....i've got to leave...i'll write more AND SO NOW HALF A YEAR LATER I WRITE MORE... so my solution to this trap is to demand an evolutionary step forward for all humanity. the evolution of of our conscious...just as our conscious is applied to further maximize human benefit (and it has successfully for many years) we need to expand its foundation and line of rationality to include a moral under pinning that is holistic in its relationship to the earth and environment. Moral not in the anthropocentric sense. go ahead kill people. have wars. rape. pillage. deceive. subjugate. be violent. believe you can be taught to believe anything but maintain a simple moral under pinning to our mother to this planet to the earth to the environment to other animals and forms of life including rocks. ask the question "is what i consume taking more from than this earth than what it gives?" Lead a life that does no damage to the land. a life that does no damage to the water and a life that does no damage to the air. beyond those simple securities do what ever the fuck you want. ..

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