Just went back this weekend and spent some time with alex--kicking back on the couch and watching a good flick:
Full Metal Jacket
a detailed film that explores the dehumanizing affects of the Vietnam war and the military system as a whole.
A film worth watching if you haven't.
--the reason for this post is that alex and I thought it would be good idea to start building a list of great films that we have seen--there being so many films--we thought it would be nice to start documenting great films that are must sees--this being one of them. everyone is welcome to join in--we're trying to keep this list more on the epic side than on the let us get blazed and then watch some big explosions and repetitive stories--
one main aspect that I am looking for in our documentation of great films is an Original Story--or at least an exploration of another angle--or at least a break from the repetitive story telling of our main stream cinema.
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