Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What i'm up to

well this fall is going to be a little different than expected--as you all know i recently got a job working with those people (see youtube video)--Drastically cutting down on my adventure time. The one project that i want to work on especially with you ALEX-- this season is through a website Mark Dubois is affiliated with Four Years Go i believe that at some point in the next couple of months they are going to release a video challenge similar to that of the sierra club's "best job of the summer" but with the emphasis on what we would like to see/envision for the next four years/possibly how we would like to make it happen. i would love input from everyone and to get those interested involved because we know its going to happen and because we have the minds that we have (we've been talking about stuff along these lines for a while now) and because we have alex's amazing video skills and because there should be some prize thing at the end of it--we should win!


Nathan said...

im in.

mattbaranmickle said...

Sounds like a plan. Terrifying video. Glenn beck freaks me out